milo's profile
twitter | discord | steam

milo he/him 17 intp bisexual

mood: The current mood of milohtml at

about me

do not interact: i think everyone should be allowed to interact with me or this page.

likes: cats, horseriding, gaming, making websites, nu-metal, soda, pringles, psychology, philosophy, nintendo consoles

dislikes: loud sounds, food, spiders, drama, injustice, offended people, school

other info: i'm lonely and always looking for friends so don't hesitate to talk to me on social media if you want to.

if you have any questions about how i made this page, you can always ask me. i'll be happy to answer them.

© 2025 milo's profile neocities

(you can drag me)



  • cats
  • photography

  • my cats

    in order: dikkie, ollie, mosje, chip.

    ps. my cats are my everything

    my photography

    sometimes i make a nature picture.

    only the 3rd photo is slightly edited.



    most listened to (artists):

  • system of a down
  • slipknot

  • song recommendations:

  • chic 'n' stu - system of a down
  • no life - slipknot
  • darts - system of a down
  • discord

    milo666guy (#8961)